Let’s face it, for some time there it seemed like PnC adventures had gone the way of the dinosaur thanks to the first and third-person shooters becoming all the rage. But over the last few years, thanks to some great titles, we’re beginning to see more and more on the scene.

The Whispered World is one of this new breed of PnC adventure games. I first saw it what seems like ages ago way back in 2008 and am glad to see it’s finally arrived (pre-order through GamersGate for 23 April).

The rich artwork and sound show the attention to detail that was paid this title during the development phase with everything having a fine level of detail. The environments are all rich and interesting to look at and contain the necessary ambient sounds to make it more than just a painting.

That’s the thing about point-and-click adventures, they have to maintain the interest of the gamer which is difficult at times as they’re generally not what I term ’high-impact gaming.’ Adventure gamers are a savvy bunch and we need an intricate storyline, challenging puzzles with unique solutions and some eye/ear candy to make the experience well-rounded. The Whispered World has this in spades.

In the game you play Sadwick, the sad clown, who is tormented by dreams of a dark future and the end of the world. You find out that the world is in peril and you of course have to save it! Helping you along the way are a wide assortment of characters and your trusty pet Spot. I’m not really sure what he is, like a giant Play-doh slug with feelers or caterpillar. You can do certain things with him like change his shape to better suit some particular puzzles. Here’s a hint, stuff him in the open stovepipe in your trailer.


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