Glory of Heracles Review

Battle Tactics: There's accessible depth to Glory of Heracles, thanks to its robust magic and combat systems, which also take into account battle formations and elemental magic attributes. Players can choose to fight it out hand-to-hand, throw magic back and forth or utilize battle skills that enhance defensive and offensive moves. It's all relatively stock stuff, but with these various systems and options layered upon each other, the strategic elements of Glory of Heracles start to shine a few hours into the game. Add touchscreen based mini-games that can enhance your magical spells, with increasingly challenging technique modifiers that players can learn from Nymphs, and the battles can be entertaining.

The Ether System: As all characters have the ability to use magic, Glory of Heracles balances a reliance on spells (or one type of spell) with the Ether system. Ether's basically spell fuel, which recharges over time and with the help of Overkills. And that's the post-knock out attack that players can perform on downed opponents which turns enemies into rewarding Ether, part of the tactical considerations that serious players will have to think about, as ether and Magic Points aren't always easy to come by.

The Upgrade System: Glory of Heracles loot and reward system reminds me, in some small way, of Diablo II's with an item crafting and equipment upgrading system that's simple but compelling. You'll occasionally find scrap metal, crystals and other raw materials on the battlefield, which can be forged into new weapons at a blacksmith or will add new skill attributes to existing ones at an alchemist. There are also rusted items players will find, which must be taken to a polisher to reveal their true nature. There's a bit of excitement provided by these mystery items and materials, ensuring that a visit to town will make for some new discovery in your inventory.


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