John Daly's ProStroke Golf - Review

So far the PlayStation Move controller has been impressive in what it can do, even if the majority of games don't really take full advantage of it. As with any good motion-controlled launch a solid golf game is almost a no-brainer. Tiger Woods patched their latest version to work with Sony's wand, but the results left something to be desired. In comes John Daly's ProStroke Golf and we get our first taste of just how accurate this new waggle device actually is. The true one-to-one motion that Gusto Games has managed to achieve here is impressive; it's just a shame the rest of the title lacks that same amount of polish.

Let's get right to the heart of what you want to know first though, how does it play? Well being the first game designed from the ground-up for the Move controller it feels fantastic. The fluid motion of swinging a golf club is nearly perfect here. The game offers you the ability to tweak your shots much like you would in real life. You can twist your wrist and adjust pitch to pull off the perfect drive down the fairway. The motion is so realistic that I spent most of my time in the beginning slicing shots and sending them straight into sandtraps. The one problem I did have with the Move controls though was the navigation. It seemed far too touchy at times which made lining up some shots more difficult than it should have been, not to mention fighting with the menus.You have to respect what the team at Gusto Games has managed to accomplish here though. Every single shot felt natural and whenever a mistake is made you know it was by your hand and not inaccurate game mechanics. It is worth noting that this is not the golf you have become accustomed to. There are no power shots or special moves you can perform. This is you, the club and the course no-holds-barred. If you are one of those guys that tend to hit the greens occasionally you will likely derive more enjoyment out of this game than your average armchair Tiger Woods.


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