Guitar Hero: Warriors Of Rock Review

Whoever writes the back-of-the-box blurb for Guitar Hero games must have the hardest job in the games industry. Having to make a checklist of the microscopic changes in this sequel has been hard enough while writing the review, but to then make them sound exciting enough to shell out £50 for is well beyond our ability.

Not for the first time this new Guitar Hero has gotten a little nervous about its age and refused to put a number at the end of its name, but everyone knows it's number six. Music games have always found it difficult to justify news sequels, beyond just a new set list, but what makes this one so disappointing is that it all seems to have been inspired by a lawsuit.

Activision got into terrible trouble for letting Guitar Hero 5's celebrity avatar of Kurt Cobain be used with any song, thereby allowing the spectacle of the king of grunge singing along to Stevie Wonder's Superstition. Courtney Love tried to sue, as did No Doubt for similar transgressions against their image in Band Hero, and the end result has been no more celebrities in Activision music games.

All that has led to this sequel refocusing on the original line-up of characters, such as punk Johnny Napalm and head banger Axel Steel. To welcome them back properly the game now has a peculiar new story mode about rescuing the Demigod of Rock from 'The Beast'. It's narrated by Kiss frontman Gene Simmons, but just comes across as a poor man's BrĂ¼tal Legend - with none of the style or wit that made that game so enjoyable despite its questionable gameplay.


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