Gunblade NY and LA Review

Gunblade NY & LA Machineguns is a nostalgic blast from the past of the late 90’s light gun shooter. Fans of the original arcade versions of these games will sure enjoy these wii-makes of their predecessors.The creators of these two arcade games didn’t stray to far from the original games in this remake. The clunky, late 90’s, graphics that we grew to love from likes of the 64 are still there with the lovely techno style music to take you even further back. The game is fairly short; with each section finished by yours truly in about 15 min each. The game does offer a lot more than the single player campaign. The ability to play with your friends through the story mode or challenge them to the points battles is a nice touch to these games. Also to flex your muscles with the online leaders boards is a great way to show off how great your really are.Not everything has ported over easy from classic arcade to Wii. Lives seem to be non-important. Losing all three of your lives and receiving a continue doesn’t offer any penalty except for reaching up and pressing the A-Button. I do have to say this is better than the original arcade game where it would take another 25 cents to keep my game going. Let’s just say I probably saved two dollars on the Wii version.


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